The City of North Charleston’s Cultural Arts Department is pleased to announce that works by members of the Goose Creek Artists Guild will be on display at Park Circle Gallery from February 2-27, 2021. The group exhibition is free and open to the public.
The Goose Creek Artists Guild, founded in 1982, will present its 38th Annual Judged Show featuring two-dimensional works in a variety of subjects and media. Comprised of artists from Berkeley, Dorchester, and Charleston counties, guild members from all levels of expertise express their talents in oil, watercolor, acrylic, pastel, drawing, and mixed media. Ribbons for Best of Show as well as first, second, and third place in multiple categories will be awarded by guest judge Helen K. Beacham. Beacham is an award-winning artist and instructor who works primarily in watercolor. She has studied with Dick Phillips, Brent Funderburk, Milford Zornes, Mira Lehr, and others. Her work is in many private and corporate collections throughout the U.S., Canada, England, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Australia, and elsewhere around the world. She serves as a juror and watercolor workshop instructor in the United States and abroad.
The Goose Creek Artists Guild meets monthly for live demonstrations and business to further its purpose “to bring together a group of artists interested in self-improvement, public recognition, and the promotion of the arts in the community.” For more information, contact the Guild Secretary, Pam Smith, at (843)819-6533.
The Park Circle Gallery is located at 4820 Jenkins Avenue in North Charleston, in what was formerly known as the Olde Village Community Building. Admission is free and free street parking is available on Jenkins Avenue in front of the gallery, as well as on the adjacent streets and in parking lots close by. The gallery is open 10:00am-6:00pm Tuesday-Friday, and Noon-4:00pm on Saturday. In compliance with safety recommendations from the CDC and SCDHEC, gallery capacity is currently limited to 10 people at a time. Staff and all visitors must wear a mask while they are in the gallery and practice social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be provided upon entry. For more information about PCG, call 843-637-3565 or email [email protected]. For information on other Cultural Arts programs and artist opportunities, visit the Arts & Culture section of the City’s website.