The South Carolina Department of Transportation is currently replacing two bridges along O’Hear Avenue and Spruill Avenue over Noisette Creek in Charleston County. These bridges are rated as being structurally deficient and qualify for Federal Bridge Replacement Funding.
The contractor will begin work at the O’Hear Avenue Bridge site first on September 15, 2014. Upon the May 12, 2015 completion of the O’Hear bridge, the contractor will move to the Spruill Avenue Bridge. Pending any delays due to weather conditions or fabricator the Spruill Avenue Bridge should be reopened to traffic by approximately January 17, 2016.
In order to minimize the construction duration, project costs, and impacts to property owners and the environment, the road will be closed during construction.
Traffic on O’Hear Avenue will be detoured along S-379, S-672, S-32, and back to S-379. The net additional detour length for O’Hear Avenue Bridge will be approximately 2.3 miles for through traffic. Traffic on Spruill Ave. will be detoured along S-32, S-62, Hwy 52/78, S-48, and back to S-32. The net additional detour length for Spruill Avenue Bridge will be approximately 5.3 miles for through traffic. A site map of the project outlining the proposed detour is enclosed for your convenience.